Museum of human anatomy in the modern world

A meeting was held at the Department of Morphology of the Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of Sumy State University, where a new concept for the development of the museum of human anatomy was presented for discussion. The Museum of Human Anatomy plays a major role in the training system of modern doctors, because it is a research and cultural and educational center where anatomical collections are studied, preserved, used and popularized for scientific and educational purposes. The participants of the meeting noted that the museum should be reformed and function as a kind of institute in which the traditional techniques of making anatomical preparations, dissection and plastination will be combined with digital visualization technologies and innovative forms of education. In the course of an interesting discussion, a development plan was drawn up and concrete steps were outlined that would allow us to achieve the set goal, namely: reformatting of existing and creation of new sections of the museum, development of a new scheme of exposition and excursion routes, introduction of new methods of carrying out restoration work, creation of a catalog and development of an electronic systems of stock and accounting documentation, digitization of museum resources.
Currently, about 500 anatomical preparations are exhibited in the Museum of Human Anatomy. The museum welcomes visitors and offers both group and individual tours by appointment.

Curator of the museum: PhD, Associate Professor Serhii Dmytruk
phone: 095-503-71-01

Museum of Anatomy